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A7-month-old baby presents with a history of constipation for 1 month. He has one hard stool every week. He has been well otherwise. His physical examination is normal. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his problem?
A. hypothyroidism
B. lead poisoning
C. functional constipation
D. Hirschsprung disease
E. hypocalcemia
A 35-year-old woman comes into the ER after cutting her wrists for the 10th time. She did this after her boyfriend of 2 weeks left her yesterday. She reports a history of unstable interpersonal relationships, chronic feelings of emptiness, impulsive sexual relationships, and problems with her sense of identity.
Which of the following is the most likely axis II diagnosis?
A. histrionic personality disorder
B. borderline personality disorder
C. antisocial personality disorder
D. dependent personality disorder
E. avoidant personality disorder
A 65-year-old man presents to the physician's office for his yearly examination. His past history is pertinent for a 40 pack-year smoking history and colon cancer 3 years ago for which he underwent a sigmoid colectomy. The most recent colonoscopic follow-up 3 months ago was negative. His physical examination is normal. Laboratory results show a normal CBC and electrolytes, markedly elevated cholesterol, and a CEA of 12 compared to values of less than 5 obtained every 6 months since colectomy. A repeat CEA 4 weeks later was 15, and liver function tests revealed a minimally elevated alkaline phosphatase, with normal transaminases and bilirubin. The imaging studies demonstrate three lesions in the right hepatic lobe suspicious for metastatic disease, each measuring 34 cm in diameter. There was no evidence of extrahepatic disease. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A. systemic chemotherapy
B. intra-arterial chemotherapy through the hepatic artery
C. surgical resection
D. radiation therapy to the liver
E. repeat imaging studies in 3 months to determine the growth rate of the disease