A 22-year-old woman with cystic fibrosis is engaged to be married and asks you about childbearing. How should you advise her?
A. An amniocentesis should be done to detect fetal cystic fibrosis.
B. Pregnancy is contraindicated because maternal mortality is significantly increased.
C. Her children have a 25% chance of having cystic fibrosis.
D. Pregnancy and delivery are usually successful with special care and precautions.
E. She should use nasal oxygen throughout pregnancy to minimize fetal hypoxemia.
A 34-year-old woman just delivered a 4100-g boy after a 15-hour labor, including a 21/2-hour second stage. During the repair of a midline episiotomy, there is a marked increase in the amount of vaginal bleeding.
Which of the following is the most common cause of immediate postpartum hemorrhage?
A. retained placental fragments
B. uterine atony
C. cervical laceration
D. vaginal laceration
E. disseminated intravascular coagulation
A 13-year-old boy presents for evaluation of short stature. His growth chart from ages 2 through 12 years is shown in Figure. His growth in the first 2 years of life was typically at the 25th percentile. He has been healthy, has a good appetite, and is doing well in school. He lives with his parents and is an only child. His parents' heights are both at the 50th percentile. His father states that he grew several inches after he completed high school. A complete physical examination is normal. His Tanner stage is
A. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's short stature?
B. constitutional delay
C. deprivational dwarfism
D. familial short stature
E. growth hormone deficiency
F. hypothyroidism
A young woman who works full time doing manual work in a factory, but who also has secretarial skills, is making her first prenatal visit to your office. Her work involves climbing high ladders, with the risk of falling.
Which of the following is the best recommendation regarding this patient's job?
A. Advise the patient not to work.
B. Recommend that the patient seek alternative work.
C. Recommend no change in employment but suggest avoiding risk.
D. Suggest that you provide her with a restriction stating that she is not to work at unprotected heights.
E. Write a note to the employer requesting reassignment of the patient to a secretarial position.
A 45-year-old male living in a homeless shelter is exposed to TB from a fellow resident. He is found to have a 15 mm of induration on the Mantoux skin test. Which of the following risk factors will increase the man's likelihood of developing active TB subsequent to his infection?
A. history of cough variant asthma
B. silicosis
C. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
D. bronchitis
E. siderosis
Select the appropriate incubation period of the Mumps infectious disease of childhood.
A. 16 days
B. 78 days
C. 810 days
D. 1021 days
E. 3050 days
F. 120180 days
A24-year-old cocaine addict with no previous psychiatric history, reports that he had been bingeing on cocaine for 2 months earlier in the year. He stopped using cocaine 2 months ago, and he has been very sad and tearful for the entire period since he stopped his cocaine use. Identify the diagnosis below that best describes the situation.
A. major depressive disorder, recurrent
B. bipolar I disorder
C. bipolar II disorder
D. cyclothymia
E. dysthymic disorder
F. mood disorder due to a general medical condition
G. substance-induced mood disorder
A 65-year-old woman presents to the physician's office for evaluation of an abnormal screening mammogram. She denies any breast masses, nipple discharge, pain, or skin changes. Past history is pertinent for hypertension. Family history is positive for postmenopausal breast cancer in a sister. She has a normal breast examination and no axillary adenopathy. The remainder of her examination is unremarkable. An MLO view of the right breast is shown in Figure along with a magnification view of the craniocaudal (CC) film
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. milk of calcium
B. LCIS with or without an invasive component
C. DCIS with or without an invasive component
D. involuting fibroadenoma
E. phyllodes tumor
During diagnostic evaluation, a 14-year-old girl with menorrhagia, frequent nosebleeds, and irondeficiency anemia is found to have a low platelet count with a normal coagulation profile. Bone marrow biopsy reveals abundant megakaryocytes. On abdominal examination, no organomegaly is noted. The patient has a satisfactory response to the initial therapeutic intervention, but over 612 months' time, the response is less dramatic and shorter in duration. There are signs and symptoms of increasing side effects from therapy. The next step in management should be to recommend which of the following?
A. partial splenectomy
B. splenectomy
C. increase in steroid dose and frequency
D. bone marrow transplant
E. plasmapheresis
A 50-year-old woman with a history of essential hypertension presents to the emergency department with sudden onset of a severe headache, nausea and vomiting, and photophobia. On examination, her BP is 160/100 mmHg. She is mildly confused and has nuchal rigidity, without focal neurologic signs. Once the diagnosis has been confirmed, which of the following is the next most important step in patient management?
A. admission to the ICU, close monitoring, and aggressive treatment of hypertension
B. urgent surgical intervention with aneurysm clipping
C. admission to the ICU, close monitoring, and IV antibiotics
D. serial lumbar punctures to drain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
E. anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy