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Why should you include IDC report in a customer proposal?
A. To highlight Nutanix history as a company
B. To include positive customer experiences after implementing Nutanix
C. To highlight IDC as a wellknown and welltrusted company
D. To showcase effective reference architectures and the value of good POCs
How can I easily learn more about Nutanix Ready AHV validated solutions?
A. Visit Nutanix Ready compatibility Matrix available online in the Support portal
B. This information is not available. It is confidential
C. Since AHV is an open platform, you don't have to worry about compatible solutions
D. We are working on Nuanix Ready AHV validated solutions, but they are not ready yet
A regional retail company plans to open 50 additional stores during the next 2 years. The company hires a services organization to install satellite locations. However the company has limited staff to manage these additional locations.
With whom should you conduct an ease of management value proposition discussion at this retail company?
B. IT Manager
C. Store Manager
D. Application Owner