Want to pass your Avaya Aura Contact Center CCT and Multimedia Implementation 6209 exam in the very first attempt? Try Pass2lead! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Where can the settings are configured for the inbound mail handler (IMH) such as the time between intervals?
A. Through the Contact Center Manager Administration Network configurations screen
B. Through the email server
C. Through the Outbound Campaign Manager
D. Through the Multimedia Administrator
An agent with Avaya Aura Agent Desktop cannot log into the Contact Center. The technician needs to verify network connectivity from the agent PC to the Contact Center Multimedia server. Which command is used to verify the physical network connection between agent PC to the CCMM server?
A. Arp
B. Ping
C. Tracert
D. Ipconfig
Which service provides the current interface into the database for all Communication Control Toolkit (CCT) services?
C. NCCT server
D. NCCT OI Service