While Optimizing your portfolio, you need to present to the governance board how your components will be ranked and balanced in a quantifiable way. How will you do this?
A. Graphical analytical methods
B. Value measurement and scoring
C. Scenario Analysis
D. Weighted ranking and scoring
In a portfolio, data is an abundant asset, and managing the information aiming for a better decision making is critical. Information is considered to be the link between the portfolio activities and entities. You are currently collecting, analyzing, storing, and delivering portfolio information to stakeholders in accordance with their requirements. What can help you in doing this?
A. Portfolio Roadmap, Portfolio, Portfolio Reports, Portfolio Management Plan, Portfolio Component Reports
B. Enterprise Environmental Factors, Portfolio, Portfolio Reports, Portfolio Management Plan, Portfolio Component Reports
C. Portfolio Process Assets, Portfolio, Portfolio Reports, Portfolio Management Plan, Portfolio Component Reports
D. Enterprise Environmental Factors, Portfolio, Portfolio Reports, Portfolio Management Plan, Portfolio Strategic Plan
A portfolio manager needs to continuously balance the need and requirements with the available
resources to maintain a balanced portfolio and portfolio resources in order to optimize delivery, in addition
to managing communication, risk, etc.
For this you develop a robust Portfolio Management Plan. Which of the below is not a part of this plan?
A. Change Control and Management
B. Portfolio Communication Management Plan
C. Portfolio Strategic Plan
D. Portfolio Performance Management Plan
Many people in your country are no longer eating food from cans because of the risk of botulism and eColi O1H747. Your low acid canned foods company is seeing its revenues decrease as a result, and it is updating its overall strategy for the company to diversify into other markets as well as to add an aggressive marketing campaign to ensure the public that its low acid canned foods are generally recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration. This means in terms of portfolio management:
A. Each proposed component must demonstrate business value before it is undertaken
B. The ROI for existing components should be reviewed to determine if they should continue
C. The existing inventory of work should be validated against the updated strategy
D. The benefits to be realized by existing components require standard KPIs tied to critical success factors
You are currently using a Comparative Advantage Analysis and conducting a what-if analysis to consider how the portfolio component and its intended benefits could be achieved by various options, including resource capability and capacity mix. In which process are you currently working?
A. Manage Portfolio Information
B. Optimize Portfolio
C. Manage Portfolio Value
D. Manage Supply and Demand
While defining the portfolio, a portfolio manager does a preliminary comparison of all inventoried portfolio components against the portfolio component definition. For this, the descriptors of each portfolio component are used in order to compare it to other components. Which of the following is not a component key descriptors?
A. Component Customer
B. Urgency
C. Resources Required
D. Component Number
For years, your aerospace company has been a leader in the development of sophisticated avionic hardware systems around the world. The executives want to continue with this well- recognized product line, but also they decided it is time to move into state-of-the art software to complement the hardware products. You have been asked to assess whether there are skill set limitations in the company to assess resource capacity internally. To do so, you decide to:
A. Focus on needed competencies and develop competency profiles for the internal staff
B. Interview staff members based on performance evaluations to determine their interest in the new product line
C. Work with Human Resources and review the education backgrounds of internal staff and see if people have taken recent training
D. Set up a contingency plan by asking the Procurement Department to issue a Request for Information to external consulting firms
With the introduction of new legislation in your company, anyone now is entitled to medical services regardless of whether or not they are employed or have any pre-existing health conditions. Your insurance company's executives have been tracking this legislation as it means significant changes for your company; many employers who obtained insurance through your company may go elsewhere for lower costs. Recognizing this legislation may lead to a loss of revenue, your company decided to merge with another insurance firm to obtain greater market share. This merger, though, means some existing projects may not be needed, and the workforce will be reduced by 20 percent, Such a significant change will impact how components are categorized in your portfolio leading to:
A. The need for a re-constituted oversight group
B. Portfolio rebalancing
C. A requirement to update the portfolio management plan
D. A new portfolio prioritization model
Recognizing that different components can have different types of risks, you decide to see how each risk affects the components. For example, assume you have identified a structural risk as overly ambitious plans and determine this risk affects three of the top five risks in your portfolio. You also have identified an environmental risk, in terms of whether the component will promote the organization's vision, which affects two components. Each component then has some other types of risks that affect it. From such an analysis you can see:
A. Gaps in the portfolio
B. Common causes
C. Overall portfolio risk impact
D. Rebalancing needs
Information and direction about the organization's vision, mission, prioritization, and resources should be obtained before the portfolio's strategic plan is developed by reviewing:
A. Knowledge repositories
B. Portfolio roadmap
C. Organizational process assets
D. Governance model