In order to assist intubation, a paramedic may utilize Sellick's maneuver. What cartilage are you compressing?
A. Cricoid cartilage
B. Aryepiglottic cartilage
C. Thyroid cartilage
D. Hyoid cartilage
A blue or greyish coloration of the skin caused be lack of oxygen in the blood is called?
A. Suffocation
B. Cyanosis
C. Tinting
D. None of the above
"You are dispatched to a 70-year old male who is complaining of chest pain, and has a history of cardiac problems. If you assist in the administration of nitroglycerin, what is the maximum dosage to be given, without additional medical direction? "
A. 2 tablets
B. 3 tablets
C. 4 tablets
D. 5 tablets
"You are dispatched to a 50-year old male patient who is having cardiac issues. Which of the following will occur if the patients heart is beating too fast, or too slow? "
A. He will begin to vomit
B. He may become unconscious
C. He will have a seizure
D. He will begin to get very agitated
The way a patient is injured is often referred to as the _______________?
A. Mechanism of injury
B. Mechanics of injury
C. Injury pattern
D. Energy transfer
What is the most common spinal injury associated with improper lifting techniques?
A. Thoracic
B. Cervical
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral
You respond to the scene of a residential natural gas explosion to find a 36-year-old male patient complaining of a diminished ability to hear, moderate dyspnea, and acute abdominal pain. These symptoms are likely due to what mechanism?
A. Primary blast injury
B. Secondary blast injury
C. Tertiary blast injury
D. Toxic inhalation of natural gas
Your patient is a 22 year old male with an object impaled in the right side of his chest, just below the shoulder. After assessing that the object is not blocking his airway, what is the best course of action for this patient.
A. Remove the object by pushing it through the same direction as it entered
B. Remove the object by pulling it back out the way it entered.
C. Cut the object close to the patient in order to control the bleeding and transport the patient
D. Stabilize the object in place, control the bleeding and transport
You are called to the scene of pedestrian that's been struck by a car. Upon examination, you notice clear fluid leaking from the patient's ear, that you believe to be cerebral spinal fluid. This tells you the patient may have suffered a:
A. Severe head injury
B. Basilar skull fracture
C. Ruptured eardrum
D. Cervical spine injury
A medical condition where the patient some times suffers convulsions or seizure activity?
A. Postictal state
B. Tonic-clonic
C. Focal motor
D. Epilepsy