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List of Novell Certifications Certification Exams
050-650 Internet Security Management with BorderManager 3.5 Enterprise Edition 183 Q&As
050-653 Certified Novell Administrator 5.1 125 Q&As
050-663 Novell Edirectory and Active Directory 141 Q&As
050-664 Novell Edirectory Design and Implementation 121 Q&As
050-681 Novell Network Management:Netware 6 150 Q&As
050-682 Advanced Novell Network Management 150 Q&As
050-683 Desktop Management with Zenworks For Desktops 4 134 Q&As
050-684 Novell eDirectory Tools and Diagnostics 133 Q&As
050-686 Foundations of Novell Networking:Netware 6.5 190 Q&As
050-688 Upgrading to Netware 6.5 200 Q&As
050-690 Novell Network Management:Netware 6.5 198 Q&As
050-691 Advanced Novell Network Amnagement:Netware 6.5 191 Q&As
050-694 Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Administration 185 Q&As
050-695 Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation:eDirectory 8.8 75 Q&As
050-696 Foundations of Novell Open Enterprise Server NetWare 194 Q&As
050-701 Upgrading t Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare 167 Q&As
050-702 Systems and Resource Management 127 Q&As
050-703 Identity Management 115 Q&As
050-704 Novell Open Enterprise Server for Linux+ZENworks 155 Q&As
050-705 Novell Open Enterprise Server for Linux+GroupWise 141 Q&As
050-707 Novell Open Enterprise Server for Netware Adanced Admin 186 Q&As
050-708 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 Administration 132 Q&As
050-710 Novell Certified Linux Administrator 134 Q&As
050-719 Novell Certified Administrator - Enterprise Services 110 Q&As
050-720 Certified Linux Administrator 11 134 Q&As
050-724 PlateSpin Workload Management Administration 102 Q&As
050-728 Identity and Security PartnerNet Specialization: Sentinel 6.1 61 Q&As
050-730 Certified Novell Identity Manager Administrator 117 Q&As
050-733 SUSE Certified Linux Administrator 12 158 Q&As
050-864 CNI-Novell Edirectory Design and Implemenation 121 Q&As
050-886 CNI-Foundations of Novell Networking:Netware 6.5 203 Q&As
050-888 CNI-Upgrading to Netware 6.5 200 Q&As
050-890 Novell Network Management:Netware 6.5 198 Q&As
050-894 Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Administration CNI 185 Q&As
050-895 Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation:eDirectory 8.8 75 Q&As
50-565 Networking Technologies 99 Q&As
50-632 Networking technologies 100 Q&As
50-649 Tcp/ip for Networking professionals 165 Q&As
50-650 Internet Security Management with BorderManager 3.5 Enterprise Edition 183 Q&As
50-653 Certified Novell Administrator 5.1 125 Q&As
50-654 Netware 5.1 advanced Administration 197 Q&As
50-658 Service and support 125 Q&As
50-663 Novell edirectory and active directory 141 Q&As
50-664 Novell Edirectory Design and Implementation 121 Q&As
50-665 Groupwise 6.0 Administration 117 Q&As
50-676 Upgrading to Netware 6 135 Q&As
50-677 Foundations of Novell Networking:Netware 6 198 Q&As
50-681 Novell Network Management:Netware 6 150 Q&As
50-682 Advanced Novell Network Management 150 Q&As
50-683 Desktop Management with ZENworks 134 Q&As
50-684 Novell eDirectory Tools and Diagnostics 133 Q&As
50-686 Foundations Of Novell Networking:Netware 6.5 201 Q&As
50-688 Upgrading to Netware 6.5 200 Q&As
50-690 Novell Network Management:Netware 6.5 198 Q&As
50-691 Advanced Novell Network Amnagement:Netware 6.5 191 Q&As
50-692 Novell Zenworks 6.5 Desktop Management 252 Q&As
50-694 Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Administration 185 Q&As
50-695 Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation:eDirectory 8.8 75 Q&As
50-696 Foundations of Novell Open Enterprise Server NetWare 194 Q&As
50-701 Upgrading t Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare 194 Q&As
50-702 Systems and Resource Management 127 Q&As
50-703 Identity Management 115 Q&As
50-704 Novell Open Enterprise Server for Linux+ZENworks 155 Q&As
50-705 Novell Open Enterprise Server for Linux+GroupWise 141 Q&As
50-707 Novell Open Enterprise Server for Netware Adanced Admin 186 Q&As
50-708 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 Administration 127 Q&As
50-710 Novell Certified Linux Administrator 134 Q&As
50-832 CNI-Networking Technologies 100 Q&As
50-854 CNI-Netware 5.1 Advanced Administration 197 Q&As
50-858 CNI-Service and Support 125 Q&As
50-864 CNI-Novell Edirectory Design And Implemenation 121 Q&As
50-865 CNI-Groupwise 6.0 Administration 117 Q&As
50-876 Upgrade to Netware 6 135 Q&As
50-877 CNI-Foundations Of Novell Networking:Netware 6 198 Q&As
50-886 CNI-Foundations Of Novell Networking:Netware 6.5 203 Q&As
50-888 CNI-Upgrading To Netware 6.5 200 Q&As
50-890 Novell Network Management:Netware 6.5 198 Q&As
50-892 Novell Zenworks 6.5 Desktop Management 252 Q&As
50-894 Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Administration CNI 185 Q&As
50-895 Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation:eDirectory 8.8 75 Q&As
50-V37 CSE RSA Envision Essentials (New Update) 102 Q&As
50-V60 CSE RSA Data Loss Prevention 6.0 75 Q&As
60-DSF Altiris Deployment Solution Foundation 6.8 105 Q&As