What does the Search and Replace Names option help you rename?
A. One object at a time,
B. Multiple objects at a time.
C. Multiple objects and hierarchies
D. Objects and Attribute names
What modes can you work in when modeling with Subdivision surfaces?
A. Polygon mode and NURBS mode
B. Standard mode and Polygon mode.
C. Standard mode and Coarser mode.
D. NURBS mode and Component mode.
Which of the following is true of the Specular Color Attribute in a Blinn Shader?
A. Has a default value of 0.5.
B. Controls the color of shiny highlights on the surface.
C. Controls the spread of the specular highlight.
D. Both A and B
What is the purpose of clipping planes in cameras?
A. Special effects attributes such as 'Barn Doors' for the rendering camera
B. Clipping planes are essentially the boundaries of the camera determining which objects will be rendered and which won't be rendered.
C. They define the point at which the shutter closes within the frame interval.
D. They determine the Depth of Field focal point.
What effect does the Break Tangent action have on a selected animation tangent?
A. Allows manipulation of the in and out tangent handles individually so you can edit the curve segment entering or exiting the key without affecting its opposite handle.
B. Causes the manipulation of an in or out tangent handle to affect its opposite handle equally
C. Specifies that when you move a tangent, only its angle can be changed.
D. Specifies that when you move a tangent its angle and weight can be changed.
What will a Dmap shadow do that a Raytrace Shadow will not?
A Dmap shadow will...
A. be visible in an IPR
B. create volumetric shadows through a light fog
C. produces correct shadows from transparent colored surfaces
D. produces correct shadows from Cloud Render Type particles
What is meant by 'sampling'?
A. The amount of Rendering Layers to be calculated in an image
B. The amount of times the software will examine different areas of a pixel
C. The number of photons that get emitted into the scene.
D. None of the above
What does the Interactive Split Tool do?
A. Splits the selected edges in their winding direction, changing their connectivity one vertex at a time
B. Specifies the direction in which the curve on the mesh will be projected
C. Splits one or more faces on a polygon mesh into multiple faces after you specify the split location on the mesh
D. Transfers vertex information between meshes that have the same topology
Which of the following is the button for displaying the Safe Action in Maya?
A. Option A
B. option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Which is the correct method to make the current transformations on the selected object be the object's zero position
A. Edit>Delete option
B. Modify>Freeze Transformations option.
C. Modify>Delete Attribute Transformations option.
D. Skeleton>OrientJoint>Freeze Transformations option