Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The option that allows you to access the switch and see the boot options available for OS images and ServiceOS is Conductor USB-C console port. This option provides direct access to ServiceOS, which is an operating system
that runs on Aruba CX switches independently of AOS-CX Aruba Operating System CX (AOS-CX) is an operating system that runs on Aruba CX switches . ServiceOS provides low-level functions such as booting, firmware upgrades,
password recovery, hardware diagnostics, switch stacking, and system recovery. ServiceOS can be accessed through one of two methods:
Conductor USB-C console port: This method allows you to connect your PC or laptop to the USB-C console port on any member switch in a VSF stack using a USB-C cable. This method provides direct access to ServiceOS without requiring
any configuration or authentication on AOS-CX.
AOS-CX CLI: This method allows you to access ServiceOS through AOS-CX CLI using SSH or Telnet protocols. This method requires you to configure an IP address on AOS-CX and authenticate with your username and password. To see
the boot options available for OS images and ServiceOS, you need to access ServiceOS through Conductor USB-C console port and enter boot menu command at ServiceOS prompt.
The other options do not allow you to access the switch and see the boot options available for OS images and ServiceOS because:
Member 2 RJ-45 console port: This option allows you to connect your PC or laptop to the RJ-45 console port on any member switch in a VSF stack using an RJ-45 cable. This option provides direct access to AOS-CX CLI, not ServiceOS.
Member 2 switch mgmt port: This option allows you to connect your PC or laptop to the switch mgmt port on any member switch in a VSF stack using an Ethernet cable. This option provides indirect access to AOS-CX CLI through SSH or
Telnet protocols, not ServiceOS.
Conductor mgmt port using SSH: This option allows you to connect your PC or laptop to the mgmt port on any member switch in a VSF stack using an Ethernet cable. This option provides indirect access to AOS-CX CLI through SSH protocol,
not ServiceOS.
References: CX_10_08/NOSCG/Content/cx-noscg/serviceos/serviceos-overview.htm noscg/serviceos/access-serviceos.htm CX_10_08/NOSCG/Content/cx-noscg/serviceos/boot-menu.htm