Want to pass your Certification for EnCE Outside North America GD0-110 exam in the very first attempt? Try Pass2lead! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
During the power-up sequence, which of the following happens first?
A. The BIOS on an add-in card is executed.
B. The boot sector is located on the hard drive.
C. The ower On Self-Test.? 7KH ? RZHU2Q6HOI7HVW
D. The floppy drive is checked for a diskette.
You are examining a hard drive that has Windows XP installed as the operating system. You see a file that has a date and time in the eletedcolumn. Where does that date and time come from ? Where does that date and time come from?
A. Directory Entry
B. Info2 file
C. Inode Table
D. Master File Table