Want to pass your Green IT Foundation EX0-118 exam in the very first attempt? Try Pass2lead! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Which of the following will reduce paper consumption?
A. Setting printers to duplex printing.
B. Setting printers to colour printing.
C. Setting printers to high quality printing.
D. Setting printers to draft printing.
Which of the following can help deliver quick wins for a Green IT Action Plan?
a) Deferring milestones.
b) Highlighting benefits.
c) Creating opportunities.
d) Setting challenges.
A. a, c and d only.
B. a, b and d only.
C. b, c and d only.
D. a, b and c.
Which of the following are risks to the success of a Green IT Programme?
a.Alienation of key staff.
b.Additional unplanned costs.
c.Perceived lack of benefits.
d.Early delivery of benefits.
A. a, b, c and d.
B. a, b and c.
C. b and d.
D. c and d.