Want to pass your Expert - VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 E20-807 exam in the very first attempt? Try Pass2lead! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
What is a Dell EMC recommended best practice when connecting CloudArray to a VMAX3?
A. Hosts should average at least 2,500 IOPS
B. Internal SRP should be used
C. Host I/O limits should be used
D. Host I/O limits should not be used
Which Dell EMC VMAX3 point-in-time replication technology allows snapshots to be created without requiring a target volume?
A. TimeFinder SnapVX
B. ProtectPoint
C. SRDF/Asynchronous
D. Open Replicator
SRDF/Metro has been deployed in a non-Witness configuration. Each data center has one VMAX3 array. What is the SRDF pair state under normal operating conditions?
A. Consistent
B. Synchronized
C. ActiveActive
D. ActiveBias