What is the MOST common complication during hemodialysis?
A. Hypovolemia
B. Hypertension
C. Hypoglycemia
D. Hypotension
Water softeners, commonly used to demineralize water for home dialysis treatments, have the hidden disadvantage of providing an unwanted dietary source of
A. potassium
B. magnesium.
C. calcium.
D. sodium.
The reason temperature is monitored during dialysis a that
A. high dialysate temperature can cause increased clotting of the extracorporeal circuit.
B. under-heated dialysate can cause a form of chronic hemolysis.
C. increased patient temperature can decrease dialyzer clearances.
D. hemolysis and protein denaturation may occur at elevated dialysate temperatures.
During morning report, the dialysis technician learns that one of the dialysis patients has been hospitalized due to exsanguination. The technician understands the seriousness of this situation because exsanguination is defined as
A. a dangerously high potassium related to a blood transfusion.
B. hemoglobin does not have enough oxygen resulting in anemia.
C. a dangerously low potassium resulting from hemolysis.
D. a blood loss greater than 300 mL.
Directly after treatment initiation, a patient complains of chest pain, shortness of breath, and burning the access arm. The patient is MOST likely experiencing
A. a pyrogen reaction.
B. a sterilant reaction.
C. an air embolism.
D. effects of blood flow that has been initiated too quickly.
The general term describing a microorganism known to cause disease in man is a
A. virus.
B. fungus.
C. pathogen.
D. bacterium.
A home dialysis patient whose caregiver is on vacation is dialyzing in the unit. During the treatment, the patient becomes hypotensive. The technician wants to reduce the transmembrane pressure (TMP), but the patient refuses. Which of the following replies would be the technician's BEST INITIAL response?
A. "If you can't follow the directions, I'll have to take you off the machine."
B. "What do you do when this happens at home?"
C. "Since you feel so strongly about it, you can make this decision."
D. "While you're dialyzing in this unit, you'll have to follow policy."
It is important for members of the dialrysis staff to be aware that the heart muscle is affected mainly by
A. abnormal serum potassium levels.
B. excessive fluid gains.
C. high creatinine levels.
D. lengthy hypertensive episodes.
In the selection and placement of water treatment components for a home hemodialysis installation, a water softener is undesirable as the final purification method because softened water is high in bacterial count and
A. sodium.
B. resistivity.
C. magnesium.
D. iron.
Which of the following is the BEST reason to check a patient's temperature before beginning hemodialysis?
A. Check for early signs of infection
B. Complete the predialysis assessment sheet
C. Prevent complications during the treatment
D. Make the staff aware of the need for isolation