DApps are:
A. great, because they cut the middle man, run on a trusted platform, apply logic to the blockchain where already economic assets are running and thus allow peer to peer trade.
B. an amazing way to create new applications. Those applications run entirely separated from other applications on the platform and allow for logical interactions. They can't access any funds to add an additional layer of trust.
C. a new way of applying logical operations for banks and big financial institutions. This way they can reduce the staff while operating at increased security.
A Hashing Algorithm is deterministic. What does it mean?
A. it always produces the same output given the same input.
B. it uses equally distributed data to produce the output given a long input.
C. it shouldn't be possible to re-generate the input given the output.
For Rapid Development Cycles it's good:
A. to deploy to the main-network as quickly as possible.
B. to use in-memory blockchain simulations, because mining works instantaneously.
C. to use a private network at all times, because this is the closest you get to the real network.
Go-Ethereum vs. Ganache:
A. both are the same, just implemented in a different language.
B. with Go-Ethereum you get a real blockchain node where you can create your own local private network, connect to Test-Networks or the Main-Net, while with Ganache you get an in-memory blockchain simulation.
C. with Ganache you get a real blockchain node where you can connect to the Test-Networks Rinkeby and Ropsten.
When a new block is mined:
A. a list of transactions as well as uncles is incorporated in the block. All gas that is used during those transactions is added to the miners' balance. Also, the block reward is added to the miner. Then the same transactions are run again by every participating node in the network to achieve consensus.
B. a list of transactions is incorporated in that block. Gas used during the execution is attached to the executing contracts while the block reward is automatically spread across the mining pool to ensure a fair spread. Consensus is reached by a special form of hash code.
Solidity files:
A. can't be split across multiple files, everything should be in one single file.
B. can be split across multiple files, but every contract must be in a file with the same name as the contract itself.
C. can be spread across multiple files. To import all contract from a file you can use "import 'myfile.sol'. To import Contract MyContract from myfile.sol you use "import {MyContract as SomeContract} from 'myfile.sol';".
Single line comments in Solidity are:
A. working with either // or ///
B. working with /* comment */ or /** @.. natspec style */
C. not possible, all comments must be multi-line.
You need to use ____________ to get the address that initiated the transaction.
A. Tx.origin
B. Msg.sender
When defining a new datatype:
A. its best to use a contract with public storage variables, so it can be used like a class.
B. it's best to use a struct, which is cheaper than deploying a new contract.
C. it's not possible to generate new datatypes in Solidity.
When using require to check input parameters and it evaluates to false:
A. all gas is consumed
B. all remaining gas is returned.