Which of the following are suggested when you type in a query on Analytics QandA? (Choose three.)
A. Recent searches
B. Tables and columns
C. Breakdowns
D. Indicators
Which of the following can you do when you set a target for an indicator on the Analytics Hub? (Choose three.)
A. Set the improvement as a percentage.
B. Set a review date on which to consider updating the target.
C. Set the threshold as an improvement on the average score.
D. Set a start date in the future.
How does KPI Signals support notifications?
A. By forwarding email notifications
B. By automated signal detection jobs
C. Through regular back-ups
D. By setting auto-reply responses
How should an admin activate the KPI Signals?
A. Raise a ServiceNow Support (HI) request
B. Request from the ServiceNow Store
C. It is active by default
D. Activate the sn-kpi-signals plugin
What role or access do users need to act on a signal to reset a baseline or dismiss a signal?
A. Responsible users without workspace access
B. Users with the admin. pa_admin. or pa_kpi_signal_admin role without being a responsible user
C. Only users with the admin role
D. Users irrespective of their level of responsibility
Which of the following styling options is NOT available with the data visualisation component configuration in workspaces?
A. Sort on categories in bar, pie, and donut visualisations based on table data sources.
B. Set default, palette, or single colour options for data display.
C. Change score sizes of single score visualisations.
D. Create a newvisualisation type with predefined styling.
Which of the following data update settings for single score visualisations shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated?
A. Show score update time
B. Real time update
C. Background refresh interval (minutes)
D. Follow filters
Which of the following visualisation types allow you to add multiple data sources of the same type in the UI Builder? (Choose two.)
A. Single Score
B. Time Series
C. Pie and donuts
D. Bars
What condition do you use on the Elements Filter record for the `Groups' Breakdown Source to get only groups that had an incident assigned to them?
A. By adding 'itil' to the Roles necessary to see the filter
B. By adding 'lncident->Assignment group' to the Related List Conditions
C. By adding 'itil' type to the 'Conditions'
D. By selecting 'Incident [incident]' for the Facts table
What related list in the formula indicator record is used to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or to their indicator sources?
A. Breakdowns
B. Contributing Indicators
C. Indicator Groups
D. Managed Sources