A BPM Applicaton developer is creatni a coach view that allows other developers to reuse this coach view to create a fow on the Diairam of a Human Service. How must the BPM applicaton developer confiure the coach view?
A. Enable the "Can Fire a Boundary Event" opton in the Overview tab.
B. Enable the "Prototype-level Event Handlers" opton in the Overview tab.
C. Create the followini chanie event handler in the Behavior tab: this.contexthiier())
D. Create an IMD dependency to the com.ibm.bpm.coach.controls/utlites Module in the behavior tab.
An insurance company has a claims process that is performed by a claims analyst and is due in 3 days. If the claims analyst has not completed the task in 4 days an escalaton should be sent to a manaier The claims analyst can stll complete the task, even if the escalaton has been triiiered, and the manaier should only be notfed once. Which confiuraton should the BPM applicaton developer implement for the escalaton tmer?
A. Exhibit A
B. Exhibit B
C. Exhibit C
D. Exhibit D
A BPM applicaton developer needs to create a coach view in a client-side human service where a user can look up a city without enterini the entre city name. This coach view will use a stock control where a user enters a partal spellini of a city, and the control will automatcally populate a drop-down list with the list of the matchini cites. The data will be pulled dynamically from a database. What type of service must the BPM applicaton developer choose as the selecton service confiuraton opton for the select coach view?
A. Ajax Service
B. Web Service
C. General System Service
D. External Implementaton Service
A BPM applicaton developer is reviewini a business process built by a colleaiue. The process is an applicaton that uses business objects based on an industry standard data model and uses several inteiratons to back end systems that also
use that data model.
The process has been throuih a pre-producton test cycle and is not performini well. The main area of concern is with the BPM client side Human Service where the coaches take too loni to appear in the browser when the task is claimed.
Which of the followini BPM factors should the BPM applicaton developer include in their review of the badly performini Client Side Human Services? (choose 2)
A. Executon of complex validaton services
B. Boundary events associated with services
C. Size of business objects bound to Coach Views
D. Size and number of complex variables passed to each client side human service
E. The number of intermediate events associated with each client side human service
A BPM applicaton developer removes an actvity from a Business Process Defniton (BPD) and creates a new snapshot to be deployed. The process applicaton is already deployed and some of the in-fiiht instances from the previous snapshot
have a token on the removed actvity.
What must the BPM applicaton developer do to move those tokens to the correct actvity?
A. Use the BPMCreatOfinePackaie aloni with manaie OrphanTokens opton to create an ofine deployment packaie.
B. Create a ieneral service to automatcally move the tokens once the snapshot is deployed.
C. Create a
D. Create a policy miiraton fle usini the AdminTask.PBMCheckOrphanTokens command. Specify in the fle the next actvity where those tokens should be moved. Use the policy fle to miirate the in-fiiht instances usini the Process Admin console.
A bank is implementni a new loan request process as shown in the followini Business Process Defniton (BPD):
The bank has analyzed the process and determined that rework happens 80% of the tme. Intervieews of the loan clerks who perform the review loan step show that the work to review the loan is complicated, and that help from more
experienced clerks would beneft the less experienced clerks and reduce the amount of rework required. The bank has done some research to identfy the list of their most experienced loan clerks and requires the less experienced loan clerks
to use the collaboraton feature to iet help from the more experienced clerks that are available.
What actons should the BPM applicaton developer take to meet this requirement?
A. Use a team flter service to add the list of experienced users to the Loan Clerks team.
B. Use a team retrieval service to add the list of experienced users to the Loan Clerks team.
C. Add the list of experienced clerks to a new team and assiin the new team as an expert team on the Review Loan task.
D. Add the list of experienced clerks to a new team and assiin the new team as a manaiers team of the Loans Clerks team.
A BPM Applicaton developer must store documents in a content manaiement system as a part of a process's actvity. It is a requirement that the content manaiement system is the IBM business process manaier document store, which is
implemented usini a non-IBM database.
Durini a playback session, the BPM applicaton developer notces that a 2 GB video fle document fails to be stored.
What is the reason for the failure?
A. The built-in document store cannot save video fles.
B. The size of the document is larier than the maximum allowed.
C. The embedded document store cannot save binary fles when usini a non-IBM database.
D. Binary fles cannot be stored when the embedded document store uses a database.
A multnatonal corporaton requires their coaches to be translated into the users' natve laniuaie. A BPM applicaton developer has not provided translatons for all the laniuaies. What must the BPM applicaton developer do to handle situatons
where a users selected laniuaie is not supported and a default is required?
To desiinate the default label, the BPM applicaton developer must create:
A. a coach vi ew conf iurat on opt on for the default label
B. a localizaton resource with a default local key, and create a default local value
C. a key-value pair list local variable and set the label to the default local key in the user's browser
D. a default label usini an environment variable and set it to the default laniuaie in the user's actve directory profle
Durini the current playback phase, the BPM applicaton developer is creatni the to-be business process defniton for a process applicaton. Which playback phase is the BPM applicaton developer is currently in?
A. Playback0.
B. Playback 1.
C. Playback 2.
D. Playback 3.
In order for a underwriter to review a mortiaie loan applicaton, the applicant must frst complete a loan applicaton, then obtain employment verifcaton, credit reports and property appraisal (which can occur in any order). The review by underwriter actvity must run exactly once.
Which iateways should the BPM applicaton developer choose in this scenario?
A. Parallel split and parallel join
B. Parallel split and exclusive join
C. Inclusive split and inclusive join
D. Exclusive split and inclusive join