Which task is supported on WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools when targeting theLiberty runtime?
A. Start and stop a remote server
B. Federate applications to the server
C. Deploy RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) applications
D. Automatically update the target runtime when importing an application with an invalidruntime
The manifest file of an OSGi application project contains the following headers:
Application-Content: BundleA;version=1.0.0,BundleB;version=1.0.0
Use-Bundle: BundleC;version=1.0.0
Which statement is true about the bundle content ofthis OSGi application?
A. BundleA,BundleBandBundleCare directly contained in the application.
B. BundleA,BundleBandBundleCare references to bundles that are hosted in an OSGibundle repository.
C. BundleAandBundleBare directly contained in the application whileBundleCis areference to a bundle that is hosted inan OSGi bundle repository.
D. BundleCis directly contained in the application whileBundleAandBundleBarereferences to bundles that are hosted inan OSGi bundle repository.
How can a developer ensure that a fault will occur if the service does not recognize a SOAP header entry containing a transaction number?
A. Set the fault Code value to soap: Transaction
B. Include a Fault element in the SOAP message
C. Include a must Understand attribute in the header entry
D. Include a detail element containing application-specific elements according to the XML Schema
Refer to WSDL extract in the exhibit. What does the soap: binding element specify?
A. The message will be in an XML document
B. SOAP will be used as a transport protocol
C. The binding is defined by the NewWSDLFile type
D. The binding is bound to the SOAP protocol format
Which of the following are TRUE statements about the WS-I Basic Security Profile (BSP)?
A. BSP focuses on both SOAP-level constructs as well as TLS and SSL
B. BSP only focuses on SOAP-level constructs and does not reference TLS and SSL
C. BSP V1.0 focuses on WS-Security features while BSP V1.1 focuses on adding in other standards which use WS-Security such as WS-Secure Conversation and WS-Trust
D. BSP V1.0 focuses on WS-Security V1.0 features while BSP V1.1 focuses on WS- Security V1.1 features such as encrypted headers, signature confirmation, and thumbprint references
E. BSP V1.0 focuses on the following binary security tokens: Username Token, X.509 Certificate Token, and REL Token. BSP V1.1 adds support for Kerberos Token and SAML Token (as well as the prior tokens in BSP V1.0)
A company is developing a travel portal application using three Web services to complete the booking process for flights, hotels and car rental. The booking process is successful only if all three Web services are successful in completing the booking of flights, hotels and car rental.
Which of the following statement is true for the Web service client implementation to accomplish the booking process requirement?
A. Enable WS-Coordination only for the 3 Web services
B. Enable WS-Atomic Transaction only for the 3 Web services
C. Create a global transaction using Java Transaction API (JTA) User Transaction interface
D. Create a global transaction using Java Transaction API (JTA) User Transaction interface and enable WS-Atomic Transaction for the 3 Web services
Which of the following is a supported method for validating WS-I compliance using IBM Rational Application Developer V7.5?
A. Use the TCP/IP Monitor to save and review the WS-I message log
B. Use the Web Services Explorer to load the Web service and select Validate Service
C. Use the Universal Test Client (UTC) to invoke the Web service and view the response source
D. Use the Profiling tools to profile the execution of the Web service and define a Watch for the SOAP messages
A developer is using the Web container programming model as per JSR109. Which statement regarding the Service Implementation Bean is true?
A. The class can be final
B. The class must define finalize() method
C. The class must have a default public constructor
D. The class can save client specific state across method calls using instance variables
A Web service is generated from the WSDL using IBM Rational Application Developer. Which of the following are valid request response wrappers that would be generated from the WSDL?
A. SetWeather.java, GetWeather.java
B. GetForecast.java, GetForecastResponse.java
C. GetDayForecast.java, GetDayForecastResponseResponse.java
D. GetTemperaturesRequest.java, GetTemperaturesResponse.java
JAX-WS is the successor to JAX-RPC. Which of the following are reasons why a developer may chose to migrate from JAX-RPC to JAXWS in IBM Web Sphere Application Server V7.0?
A. JAX-RPC is deprecated in Java EE 5. All Web services within a Java EE 5 module need to be JAX-WS-based Web services.
B. A JAX-RPC service is returning attachments to clients and many of the new clients will be Microsoft .NET clients.
C. A JAX-RPC developed Web service would like to leverage WS-ReliableMessagingin order to ensure reliable and interoperable Web services.
D. A JAX-RPC developer wants to expose a service defined as WSDL 2.0 in order to upgrade to the next level of Web services specifications.
E. A JAX-RPC Web service needs to take advantage of WS-Addressing and needs to return a endpoint reference pointing to another Web service.
F. A JAX-RPC Web service developer wants to schema validate a message using JAXB by using a JAXWS provider combined with JAXB.