Want to pass your IBM AIX Administration V1 C9010-022 exam in the very first attempt? Try Pass2lead! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
How will the following command change the datalv logical volume? chlv --e m datalv
A. The logical volume will be encrypted with the key in a file named "m".
B. The logical volumewill be rebalanced across the maximum physical volumes immediately.
C. The logical volume will have new logical partitions spread across as few disks as possible.
D. The logical volume will be rebalanced across the minimum number of physical volumes immediately
An administrator is trying to export a file system on a server to external clients.
How can the administrator determine if all required NFS services are currently active?
A. lsitab rcnfs
B. lssrc -a
C. nfsd -l
D. ps –ef | grep nfsd
An administrator needs to download and install a later version of the IBM Systems Director Common Agent. Which command would extract the contents of the installation package (SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz) to a local directory?
A. unzip -l SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz
B. geninstail -ue SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz -d.
C. gunzip -cd SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz | tar-xvf-
D. uncompress SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz | installp -et