A master catalog organization (ABC) authorizes its sub-catalog organization (XYZ) to manage an item category "Gift items" within its master catalog.
When adding items to the 'Gift items" category, which statement is true?
A. items can be added to the=Gift items" category only by the sub-catalog organization XYZ
B. items can be added to the "Gift items" category only by the master catalog organization ABC.
C. items can be added to the 'Gift items" category by the master catalog organization ABC and by any of the sub-catalog organizations that belong to the master catalog organization ABC.
D. items can be added to the "Gift items"category by both the master catalog organization ABC and the sub-catalog organization XYZ.
A custom API needs to be developed to evaluate the price of a given order. Different kinds of pricing model types, such as "REGULAR", "PROMOTION". "HOLIDAY' and "SEASONAL" are used.
Tipimplementation professional wants to set this up so that the custom API code does not have to invoke an API to retrieve the pricing model type. How can this be achieved if the pricing model type that needs to be used by the custom API should be set up as a configurable parameter?
A. Set up the different pricing models as Common Code Values under a Pricing Model Common Code type
B. Configure the pricing model type to beused as an Argument for the custom API component under the Argument tabs
C. Add an XSL translator component before the custom API component which will stamp the required pricing model type
D. Add a condition component before the custom API component inthe service with a condition Pricing Model equal to the relevant pricing model type
An implementation professional creates an order with header-level shipment charges- The order is to be shipped in two shipments.
How are theshipment charges invoiced?
A. Header-level shipment charges are invoiced in the last invoice
B. Header-level shipment charges are invoiced in the first invoice.
C. Header-level shipment charges are invoiced in the first and second invoice
D. Header-level shipment charges arenot invoiced
A retailer has a requirement to group certain regular items together to form a parent item. The inventory is maintained only at the parent item level and not for the components. The parent item will be sold as an individual item, with all the components.
How should the implementation professional configure the item type to support the retailer's requirement?
A. Logical Kit
B. Dynamic Physical Kit C Physical Kit
C. Bundle Items
An organization needs to limit the output of the getOrderDetails API for user XYZ, while keeping the original API output intact the remaining users. The user XYZ belongs to User Group A and Team B.
How can this be achieved using IBM Sterling Order Management security configurations?
A. Configure a XSL file to modify the output template to limit output of getOrderDetails API and assign it to user XYZ
B. Use API security configuration for the getOrderDetails API to limit its output and assign it to the user XYZ
C. Use API security configuration for the getOrderDetails API to limitits output and assign it to Team B
D. Use API security configuration for the getOrderDetails API to limit its output and assign it to User Group A
Two organizations of a company have the same item identifier for two different physical items and the company does not have a common item ID for the two items.
How should the implementation professional define the Catalog Organization?
A. Defined at the highest level in the organization hierarchy
B. Defined at the lower level in the organization hierarchy C Defined to inherit properties from pricing organization
C. Defined to be able to modify configuration groups at inventory level
Consider the following charges made:
Sales Order 1 (sales order is for $250)
o CREDrT_CARD1=$150 oDEBIT_CARD1=$100
Sales Order 2(sales order is for $300)
o CREDIT_CARD 1 = $150
o DEBIT CARD1 =$150
The same payment method, CREDIT_CARD_1, was used on both sales orders The following payment setup was previously configured:
CASH refunds to new CASH, unless greater than $200, then CASH refunds to CHECK
DCBIT_CARD refunds lo now CASH
CREDI1 CARD refunds to itself
If the customer decides to return both orders, which refund scenario is correct? Return Order Refunds:
A. $300 to CREDIT_CARD 1 $250toDEBIT_CARD1
B. $150 to CREDIT_CARD 1 $400 to CHECK
C. $300toCREDIT_CARD1 $100toDEBIT_CARD1 $150 to CASH
D. $300toCREDIT_CARD1 $250 to CHECK
On any given Order List screen, pagination needs to be implemented.
What can the implementation professional do to accomplish this?
Inthe Application Manager, go to Application Platform > Presentation > Resources > Sterling Supply Chain
Application Console (YFSSYS00004), then*
A. go to"List View*' resource under "Order" entities and check the "Pagination Required"flag.
B. go to "API" resource under "Order" entities and select one of the Pagination Strategies from the drop-down menu for the getOrderList API.
C. extend "Order" entities by right-clicking it and click Save as. In the Extended "Order" entities, go to "List
View" resource and check the "Pagination Required" flag.
D. extend "Order" entities by right-clicking it and click Save as. In the Extended "Order" entities, go to "API" resource and select one of the Pagination Strategies from the drop- down menu for the getOrderList API.
Sales orders are being purged using the ORDER_PURGEtransaction for which the retention days period is defined to be 30 days.
How does the purge agent select the orders that need to be purged?
A. It selects those orders from the YFS_TASK_Q table that are available (AVAILABLE, DATE <= SYSDATE) for PURGE transaction
B. It selects those orders from the YFS_ORDER_AUDIT table that don't have an order audit record created in the last 30 days or more.
C. It selects those orders from the YFS_ORDER_HEADER table that have been in 'Shipped'" status for 30 daysor more.
D. It selects those order lines from the YFS_ORDER_HEADER table that have been in 'Shipped" status for 30 days or more.
When considering supply and demand for a particular node with a sufficient supply, orders for the node are backordered when availability calculations are made for the configured demand type.
What must the implementation professional doto prevent backorder?
A. Configure an Allocated demand type to check for availability against only on-hand supply and purchase order supply
B. Supply type at a ship node must be marked as INFINITE
C. Use the default distribution rule
D. ONHANDsupply types must be mapped to relevant demand types