Want to pass your IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8.5 System Administration Update C2040-956 exam in the very first attempt? Try Pass2lead! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Lotus iNotes allows features that send requests to external servers or Web services, for example, Lotus Quickr integration, to utilize which of the following to intercept calls and retrieve information from a remote site?
A. DSAPI filters
B. iNotes redirects
C. HTTP-proxy servlets
D. Web serving intercept caching
Greg finds bitmap images in a document are showing as JPG format. Greg has recently enabled image compression in his Lotus Notes client. Why would the images show as JPG format?
A. JPG format is the default image format for all documents.
B. Greg has the "Convert images to JPG Format" option selected in his client preferences.
C. The bitmap image was too large. The Lotus Notes client converted the image in order to be under the attachment size quota.
D. Greg pasted the bitmap into the document. Pasting a bitmap into a document will convert the image to JPG or GIF format when image compression is turned on.
When an XPage builder is listed in the "Sign or run unrestricted methods and operations" field and "Full Access Administrators" field what level of access will they have to run an XPage?
A. They will have the same rights as if the XPage was a signed agent.
B. They will have unrestricted rights with full administration rights.
C. They will have unrestricted rights without full administration rights.
D. Runtime rights are assigned by the XPage builder inside the XPage ECLI not in the Domino Server document.