The first component of the Vehicle Details coach is a Text field with the label Search Vehicle in a coach view, which is configured to fire a boundary event. Which one of the events does the BPM application developer need to use so that the Vehicle List table filters to matching vehicle selected from Search Vehicle field?
A. Onload
B. Onclick
C. On input
D. Change the event handler and specify this.context.refreshView();
How can a current user log in as another user in the Web Inspector, under the Process Designer, to see if a task flow is working as expected?
A. Make the change in 100Custom.xml
B. Click Tasks section and select 'Another User"
C. Click Activities section and select 'Another User'
D. Click Set User Authentication in the menubar and select 'Another User'
Administrators in a hospital use a web-based application when filling out new patient forms. They experience frequent web browser freezes or it becomes unresponsive for several seconds. This is due to large content of data with numerous sections and tables presented in a single page patient form. As part of refactoring the application, the BPM application developer is tasked to mitigate the performance impact of the new patient form page. What guidelines can the developer follow to improve the performance?
A. Add exit safeguard, collapsible panel in deferred section control, and add modal section with panel
B. Add tab section, change the rendering option of one or more table columns to seamless coach view, and add progress bar with navigation event
C. Contain coach views with in responsive sensor, add modal section, and change the rendering option of one or more table columns to simple html
D. Server side pagination of table data, contain complex coach view in a deferred section control, and enable async loading in horizontal/vertical layouts
What would be the first step for a developer asked to replicate functionality from an out-of-the-box IBM BPM Process Portal Dashboard in a new custom coach view?
A. Retrieve the Process Portal .ear file from the WAS console and inspect the file for the desired functionality.
B. Copy the existing coach views and functionality in the Process Portal process application that comes with IBM BPM.
C. Open the Process Portal Dashboard and use the browser's developer tools to inspect and recreate the desired functionality.
D. Create a new process application, add the BPM Ul toolkit dependency, and refer to the BPM Ul toolkit controls that were part of the Process Portal Dashboard.
What is the correct approach to take for a BPM developer that wants to create a custom theme and use responsive controls in the process application?
A. Use the BPM Theme as the starting point.
B. Use the CSS definitions set by the theme of the process application.
C. Import a new theme to replace the current theme and then customize.
D. Add classes and attributes in the HTML Attributes page of the coach view layout properties.
Which is a valid reason for activating snapshots?
A. Changing the default Governance process in Process Center
B. Starting a specific version of the process in Process Portal
C. Deploying the activated snapshot to the connected Process Server
D. Preparing to delete a snapshot using the 'BPMSnapshotCleanup' wsadmin command
Which statement is true regarding IBM BPM's support of Swagger definitions for the REST APIs?
A. There is no Swagger definition available for the REST API.
B. The Swagger definition is only available for IBM BPM on Cloud installations.
C. The Swagger definition is only available if the IBM BPM installation includes a web server that hosts the Swagger UL
D. The Swagger definition is available via a REST API call or via a URL if the IBM BPM installation includes a web server that hosts the Swagger UL
To change the state of an offline Process Server to online, a developer needs to set the heartBeatInterval to what value?
A. equal to zero
B. leave it empty
C. less than zero
D. greater than zero
What must be added to an application before creating a Java External Service?
A. Import the BPM Ul toolkit
B. Import the BPM Java Toolkit
C. Add the .jar file that contains the classes
D. Add the .ear file that contains the classes
Which statement describes using a Service Call control from the BPM Ul toolkit to invoke a service flow?
A. It is used to invoke a service without having to use boundary events and has an input and output variable with on load, on invoked, on result, on error events. It can be placed in client side human service coach page or inside coach view.
B. A Service flow which has an input and output variable and a service task activity inside it calling an implementation service.
C. It is used to invoke a service that returns the data displayed in the table, never bound to variable, with on load, on service data loaded, on service data error events. It can be placed in client side human service coach page or inside coach view.
D. It is coupled with the human service in which it is used. It is created in the library area where User Interface library items are stored.