Your manager started a brainstorming session during a meeting on how automation can be driven in the network.He asks what tools can be used to increase automated services in the network. What would you answer be?
A. We need to find a software company that will write software to automate the network services.
B. We can create rule-based automation. We can also use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to automate all network services.
C. We can write scripts that will be executed at certain times when a specific event happens and the service will be automated in this way.
D. We can use big data. It is themain tool that should be used for network automation.
Which one of the following requires a network service package defined in a catalog?
A. Cloud software platform
B. Cloud infrastructure software
C. Cloud orchestration
D. Software defined network
What is the best solution for deploying an optimal network function distribution?
A. Using duplicated Virtual Network Functions
B. Using Virtual NetworkFunctions to control the routing
C. Using Virtual Network Functions orchestrated across various Cloud Data Centers
D. Using Virtual Network Functions in Access
Which of the following is a valid NFV attack?
A. Hijack attack on hypervisor
B. DDoS attack on the SDN switches
C. Poor NFV implementation
D. Hypervisor resources leakage
What is the role of 5G in meeting the automation needs of Industry 4.0?
A. 5G plays a minor role on Industry 4.0 because the requirements are mainly focused on mMTC and IoT.
B. 5G requirements for Industry 4.0 are mainly focusedon Ultra high bandwidth needs.
C. 5G plays an important role on Industry 4.0 because it enables the cloud automation with baremetal platforms.
D. 5G requirements for Industry 4.0 are mainly focused on ultra low latency characteristics but also fromhigh throughput and massive connectivity.
Which of the following statements about 5G Transport is incorrect?
A. Widely diverse end to end services will require the ability to create a Transport Slice with guaranteed SLAs.
B. Ultra Reliable Machine toMachine communication will require dependable low latency communication.
C. Internet of things devices will require a massive increase in network connectivity.
D. Explosive traffic growth will require statically defined manually configured end to end QoS based services.
Which of the following technologies drive 5G increased throughput capacity? (Choose three.)
A. MU-MIMO andbeamforming
B. Higher spectral efficiency
C. Network Slicing
D. Multi-connectivity per User Equipment
Is it possible for a User Equipment to connect simultaneously to multiple slices in 5G?
A. No
B. Yes
Which of the following is not a part of an E2E Network Slice?
A. Cloud Slice
B. Core Slice
C. Access Slice
D. Transport Slice
Resource elasticity in Cloud enables which of the following actions? (Choose two.)
A. Relocate VMs between data centers when a fault is detected.
B. Deploy VMs across data centers when a new slice is needed.
C. Add resources to existing VMs when traffic is high.
D. Add VMs when traffic is high.