What is one of the MAIN contributions of Al to the rapid development of The Fourth Industrial Revolution?
A. Enhanced design.
B. Automation
C. Big Data
D. Al personal assistants.
How could machine learning make a robot autonomous?
A. Use OCR, optical character recognition, to read documents
B. Use NLP (Natural Language Processing) to listen
C. Use actuators to modify its environment
D. Learn from sensor data and plan to carry out a task.
Sustainability focuses on which three core areas?
A. Scientific, Environmental and Economic.
B. Social, Economic and Environmental.
C. Social, Economic and Entrepreneurial.
D. Social, Entrepreneurial and Environmental.
With a large dataset, limited computational resources or frequent new data to learn from, we can adopt what type of machine learning?
A. Batch learning.
B. Big Data learning.
C. Patchwork learning.
D. Online learning.
Who was the pioneer of computer programming?
A. Dame Wendy Hall.
B. Karen Spark Jones.
C. Ada Lovelace.
D. Sophie Wilson
An intelligent robot uses Al to do what?
A. Sense, plan and act
B. Plan, act and speak.
C. Perceive, plan and act.
D. Sense, plan and move.
What technique can be adopted when a weak learners hypothesis accuracy is only slightly better than 50%?
A. Over-fitting
B. Activation.
C. Iteration.
D. Boosting.
Which factor of a Waterfall' approach is most likely to result in the failed delivery of an Al project?
A. Takes longer to deliver all functional requirements.
B. Discourages collaboration and cross boundary communication.
C. Takes longer to complete the design phase of the project.
D. Discourages revisiting and revising any prior phase once it is complete.
An Al agent relies on its perceptual input. This is called the agent's what?
A. Position
B. Environment
C. World
D. Percept
Which of the following is an advantage of a machine based system?
A. Able to judge ambiguous and unknown situations.
B. Capable of sympathising with humans.
C. Undertakes monotonous tasks reliably and accurately.
D. Can explain the output of an Al system