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The following answer choices describe various approaches that a health plan can take to voice its opinions on legislation. Select the answer choice that best describes a health plan's use of grassroots lobbying.
A. The Delancey Health Plan is launching a media campaign in an effort to persuade the public that proposed health care legislation will increase the cost of healthcare.
B. The Stellar Health Plan is using direct mail and telephone calls to encourage people who support a patient rights bill to contact key legislators and voice their support for the bill.
C. The Bestway Health Plan is encouraging its employees to contribute to a political action committee (PAC) that is funding the political campaign of a pro-health plan candidate.
D. A representative of the Palmer Health Plan is attending a one-on-one meeting with a legislator to present Palmer's position on pending managed care legislation.
Brighton Health Systems, Inc., a health plan, wants to modify its advertising and marketing materials to avoid liability risk under the principle of ostensible agency. One step that Brighton can take to reduce the likelihood of being liable for provider negligence under the theory of ostensible agency is to
A. Guarantee the quality of medical care provided to Brighton members
B. Use advertising materials which state that Brighton itself provides healthcare
C. Add disclaimers to advertising materials indicating that only physicians and not Brighton make medical decisions
D. Use advertising materials to characterize Brighton's role as providing physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare professionals rather than arranging for healthcare.
The Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 created the Medicare+Choice plan. One provision of the BBA under Medicare+Choice is that the BBA A. Requires health plans to qualify as either a competitive medical plan (CMP) or a federally qualified HMO in order to participate in the Medicare program
B. Eliminates funding for demonstration projects such as the Medicare Enrollment Demonstration Project
C. Narrows the geographic variations in payments to Medicare health plans by lowering the growth rate of payments in high-payment counties and raising the rates in low-payment counties
D. Increases Graduate Medical Education (GME) payments to hospitals for the training and cost of educating and training residents