What is the maximum number of records to be printed in the Printable View of a list view?
A. 2.000
B. 100
C. 1.000
D. 200
Which data can be synched using the new Salesforce for Outlook?
A. Custom objects
B. Events
C. Leads
D. Contacts
What determines the suggested criteria for lookup filter?
A. Previously used filter criteria
B. Organization Wide Defautl settings
C. The current application schema
D. A survey taken when enabling this feature
Can an administrator change the profile settings of the Standard Solution Manager profile?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Depends on the Setting of the Administrator profile
Salesforce.com record Id's are Identical in?
A. Production and Config Only Sandbox
B. Production and Developer Sandbox
C. Production and Full Copy Sandbox
D. Record Id's are always different in different environment
All dashboard viewers see data based on the security settings of the Running User--regardless of their own personal security settings?
A. True
B. False
The org wide default is set to private. Phil smith the owner of ABC account is a US Sales Rep reporting to the US Sales Director. The users in the US sales rep role can edit ALL opportunities associated with the accounts they own. Tim an EMEA sales rep owns an opportunity associated with the ABC account. Identify the correct role access.
A. Phil can view but cannot edit Tims ABC opportunity
B. TIM cannot VIEW / EDIT phils account
C. Phil can EDIT and VIEW Tims ABC opportunity
D. Tim can VIEW and EDIT Phils account
E. Tim can VIEW but cannot EDIT phils account.
When you define a Data Validation Rule, what must you also define?
A. The error message.
If you delete a report and change your mind, you can retrieve it from the recycle bin.
A. True
B. False