How frequently does Einstein Engagement Scoring updates to email?
A. Email daily
B. Mobile Weekly
C. Model Monthly
Where to create topic profiles in command center?
A. command center
B. social automate
C. social admin
What does Einstein copy Insight take into account, Select 3(arul's answer a,b,c)
A. Frequently used phrases in subject line
B. spelling and punctuation errors
C. emotional tone of subject line
D. engagement data
Where can you see ad details for facebook ad campaign. Both advertising campaigns and journey builder)
A. Journey builder
B. On the facebook ad channel
Where would you add a topic profile
A. Social studio automate
B. Admin settings
C. Workspace settings
D. Social studio engage
How often is the model refreshed for Einstein engagement frequency(uses 2Sdayand data)- weekly
A. hourly
B. daily
C. monthly
D. Biweekly
Difference between inbox message and in app message.
A. Inbox message is displayed and stored in device in app message is displayed only 1 time
B. Inbox message is displayed once but in app message is displayed repeatedly
C. Inbox messages can be used only in los whereas in app message can also be used in android
In social studio how many columns are used in a engage tab (max 30 tabs in a engage, no limit for columns in each tab) and each column contains max 50 accounts)
A. 50
B. 100
C. 15
D. No limit
What is true about Inbox message:
A. It can open any public url also and not only cloud page
B. Device owns the message not the contact.
C. Contact owns the message not the device.
D. Alert+inbox consume 1 supermessage.
how many activities recommended in a journey canvas.(150-200)
A. 10
B. 50
C. 100
D. 300