Assume no padding is used for the input.
What is the output feature map size created by the cross-correlation between a three color channel, 10*10 input and a 4"4 filter that has a stride of two?
Enter your numeric answers in the spaces above
A. 3*3
Complete the concept rule by adding the Boolean Operator that should be used to find concepts where the term "best" appears within five tokens of the term "picture"
Enter your answer in the field above.
Refer to the exhibit.
What is the false negative rate for the category that has the 2nd worst average measure1?
A. Between 1 and 2 B. Less than 1
C. Between 2 and 3
D. Greater than 5
Which is the correct syntax for using a previously defined LITI concept rule, `'Date_of_Diagnosis'' in a category rule?
A. (_tmac, " [Date_Of_Diagnosis} ")
B. (AND, "{Date_Of_Diagnosis)"} ")
C. (AND, "[Data_Off_Diagnosis]'} ")
D. (_tmac, "{Date_Of_Diagnosis} ")
Fill in the blanks in the code extracted from the source code download from a Category node.
Your goal is to categorize the documents in the my Score Tbl table which has been uploaded to the myCasUb library The text column Comments are identified by myKey, and the scoring output tables are to be saved in the same library as the score table
Enter your answer in the fields above.
A. mycas; name_of_input_data_set; perform; Name of the column to process in the input data set
What is the primary purpose of the Topics node?
A. Document clustering
B. Supervised categorization
C. Information retrieval
D. Unsupervised categorization
Consider a 224x224 image provided as input for training a CNN for image classification A 5x5 filter is to be used with a stride of 1 for the first convolutional layer What size padding should be applied in order to maintain the original resolution to provide as input to the next layer?
Enter your numeric answer in the space above.
A. 3
Which activation function should be used to obtain a single scalar with value in (-1,1)9
A. TanH
B. Logistic
C. Softmax
The kewords Firstname and LastName to defined concepts:
Insert the appropriate characters) before the leftmost curly brace ({) to identify the FirstName LastName pair as the required information to be extracted from a document.
Enter your answer in the field above
Regularization in neural networks represents a set of techniques devised to accomplish what?
A. Reduce overfitting
B. Downsample a feature map
C. Minimize the toss function
D. Calculate a softmax