Which PROC MEANS program creates the report below?
A. proc means data-sashelp. shoes sum mean; var Sales; Class Product;
B. proc means data=sashelp. 'shoes var Sale; group Product; run/
C. Pror moans data-uashelp . shoes sum mean nobe; by sales; class product
D. proc means data-esea= ashelp. shoes. sum Salad; mean Sales; by product; run."
Given the following SAS program:
What footnotes appear for the second PROC PRINY report?
A. Created by HR
B. Created by HR
C. Draft - Do Not Distribute Create by HR
D. Draft - Do NOT Distribute
Which step temporarily assign a format to the sales variable?
A. Proc format; Formatsales comma12.; Run;
B. Data sasuer. Shoes Set sashelp,sheoes; Format sales comma12.;
C. Proc contents data=sashelp.shoes; Format Sales comma12.; Run;
D. Proc print data= sashelp. Shoes Format sales comma12.; Run;
The following program is summited:
The following report is created:
However, the desired report is shown below:
What change is needed to display the desired formatted values for the Answer varia
A. Change the unformatted values on the VALUE statement to upper case letters
B. Remove the comma located on the VALUE statement
C. Add a period to the end of the format name on the VALUE statement.
D. Remove the dollar sign located at the front of the format name
Given the input data set INVENTORY as shown below:
Two output data sets are desired, CHIPS and OTHERSNACKS.
The CHIPS data set should only include QtySold, Price, and Product.
The OTHERSNACKS data set should include QtySold, Price, product, and Type. Which Data step creates the two desired output data sets
data chips othersnacks; set: inventory; if Type="chips" then do; keep QtySold Price Product; output chips; end; else output othersnacks; run;
data chips ( keep=QtySold Price Product) othersnacks; set inventory; if Type="chipa" then output chips; else output otharsnacks; run;
data chips otharsnacks; set inventory; if Type="chips" then output chips else output otharsnacks; keep QtySold Price Product; run;
data chips othersnack" set inventory (keep=QtySold Price Product); if Typo~"chips" then output chips; else output othersnacks; run;
The data set Snacks contains three variables (productName, Flavor, and Price). Given the program shown below:
What is the type and length of SnackType?
A. Numeric, 8
B. Character, 7
C. Character, 8
D. Character, 5
Which PROC PRINT step correctly displays only the first 10 observations in the data set?
A. proc print data=sashelp.class(obs=l10); run;
B. proc print data=sashelp.class; obs=10; run;
C. proc print data=sashelp.class obs=10; run;
D. proc print data=sashelp.class (oba?10' ) ; run;
Which statement is true regarding a variable?
A. A character variable can contain alphabetic characters, numeric digits, and other special characters.
B. A numeric value must be specified in single or double quotes.
C. A character value cannot exceed 200 bytes.
D. A numeric variable can contain digits, decimal point, minus sign, currency symbol, and E for scientific notation.
The SAS log of a submitted DATA step is shown below:
Which action resolve the error messages?
A. Remove the period after the value of Inc.
B. Enclose the value of ABC Inc . in quotation marks.
C. Add a LENGTH statement to declare the company variable as character
D. Enclose the value of ABC Inc. in parentheses.
Which code uses the correct syntax to conditionally create the two variables age-Cat and account?
A. if age<13 do than; age_Cat= ' Pre-teen '; ,-account='No Social Media;' and;
B. if age<13 then do; age_cat=' Pre-teen' account='No social Media' Allowed;' and;
C. if age<13 then age_Cat=;Pre-teen' account='No Social Media Allowed';
D. if aga<13 do; age_Cat-'Pre-teen'; account='No Social Media Allowed end;