After an email is archived, which of the following is not a valid stubbing option?
A. Remove attachments
B. Remove nothing and add text
C. Remove body and leave attachments
D. Delay the stubbing
If the target repository is Content Manager 8, where is the ICC configuration data stored?
A. DB2
B. SQL Server
C. Oracle
D. Content Manager 8
Where in the Configuration Manager, is the audit log task enabled?
A. In the collector task
B. In the Create Document task
C. In the Start icon
D. In a Decision Point
Do not use de-duplication with the Microsoft Sharepoint collector under what situation?
A. The documents are encrypted
B. The repository is P8
C. The repository is CONTENT MANAGER 8
D. The documents are versioned
Starting what ICC service will also start all other ICC connector services?
A. ICC Task Routing Engine
B. ICC E-Mail Connector
C. ICC Utility Connector
D. ICC Startup Service
What is imported to enable text searching in a P8 ICC system?
A. An ICC style set
B. Text-search user-exit
C. ICC Web Service configuration
D. P8 class definitions
What is the function of an ICC Collector?
A. Provides an interface to a source system to filter and schedule data retrieval
B. Provides a connection to 3rd Party Software as a content source
C. Provides a connection to 3rd Party Software as a text extraction service
D. Provides a means to collect data for ICC performance monitoring
Which of the following does NOT enable email clients for ICC archiving?
A. Outlook Extension
B. Outlook Web Access Extension
C. Outlook Web Access Service
D. Domino Web Access Extension
Where is the ICC Email Search application invoked?
A. From an email client
B. From the ICC Web Application
C. From the Configuration Manager
D. From the email server
As of ICC 2.1.1, which is NOT a supported content source?
A. Lotus Domino
B. NTFS File system
C. Novell GroupWise
D. Microsoft Sharepoint