What does a circle with an X in it (as depicted in the exhibit) represent inside UML 2.0 activity diagrams?
A. joins
B. forks
C. merges
D. decisions
E. initial nodes
F. flow final nodes
G. activity final nodes
What is a combined fragment?
A. the combination of decomposed lifelines
B. an interaction occurrence covering more than one lifeline
C. a construct with interaction operands and an interaction operator
D. more than one interaction combined in an interaction overview diagram
Instances of the CommunicationPath class connect instances of which classes in a deployment diagram?
A. two Nodes
B. Node and Signal
C. Node and Property
D. DeploymentTarget and DeployedArtifact
E. InstanceSpecification and DeploymentSpecification
What is NOT true of a profile?
A. A profile can be removed at any time from a model.
B. A profile can be combined with others applied on the same model.
C. Applying a profile means that it is required to apply the stereotypes that are part of the profile.
D. Applying a profile means that it is allowed, but not required to apply the stereotypes that are part of the profile.
What is true about a collaboration?
A. identifies a protocol state machine
B. describes one or more interactions working together
C. describes the internal structure of a structured classifier
D. describes how multiple classifiers achieve a task together
Which relationships would make the model in the exhibit ill-formed?
A. SpecialOrder is a subtype of Order.
B. Order is a subtype of SpecialOrder.
C. SpecialOrder and Order are related to each other via a dependency.
D. SpecialOrder and Order are related to each other via an association.
Refer to the exhibit.
Invoicer and SpecialOrderEntity are each preceded by a colon symbol, because they name what type of
A. delegation types
B. connection types
C. assembly connectors
D. parts of an instance level collaboration
In the exhibit, if the incoming arrows provide one control value and two data values, what values are provided to the outgoing arrows?
A. the two data values
B. a single control value
C. both the control and two data values
D. a single data value combining the original two data values
In the exhibit, what applies if the interaction constraint is false when the loop is entered?
A. The specification is illegal.
B. All valid traces will include message r.
C. The loop body is not included in a valid trace.
D. Valid traces include both the case where the loop iterates once, and when it iterates zero times.
In the exhibit, what is true about the deployment location?
A. is over-crowded
B. is at the "type" level
C. is at the "instance" level
D. is parameterized by four DeploymentSpecifications