Which of these is the incorrect explanation of the MenuItem interface?
A. The MenuItem instance will be returned by the Menu class add(...) method.
B. MenuItem can decide the Intent issued when clicking menu components.
C. MenuItem can display either an icon or text.
D. MenuItem can set a checkbox.
Which of these is the correct explanation of an XML layout file?
A. In order to display a Ul defined in the XML layout file "main.xml", call the setContentView method of the Activity with the parameter string Bmain.xml".
B. There is no distinction between implementation of the layout definition by code, or by XML layout file.
C. In an Eclipse project using the ADT plugin, the XML layout file is found in the /res/layout directory.
D. Layout information written in the XML layout file will be converted into code by the Android platform when the screen is displayed.
The following code is a part of an Activity class to create a dialog. Which is the Activity class method used to display this dialog?
A. void createDialog();
B. void createDialogfint id);
C. void show();
D. void showDialog(int id);
Which of these is the incorrect method setup when playing a video using a MediaPlayer?
A. setDataSource sets the path for the data you want to play.
B. setDisplay sets the SurfaceView object you want to associate.
C. setAudioStreamType sets the type, chosen from those defined in AudioManager.
D. setLooping sets the player repeat to ON/OFF.
Which is the correct explanation of the Foo.java source code?
A. Since mapping will occur to C/C++, int must be declared as jint.
B. String, which is a reference type, cannot be used in the native method
C. Visibility cannot be declared as private in the native method.
D. The compile will succeed without problems.
Which component cannot receive an Intent?
A. Service
B. Activity
C. ContentProvider
D. BroadcastReceiver
For playing an audio file, where does the Android Developer's Guide recommend placing the file?
A. res/raw
B. res/values
C. data/data
D. system/data
Which component can be used without configuring the AndroidManifest.xml?
A. Activity
B. Service
C. Broadcast Receiver
D. Intent
Which is the correct combination of (1 )~(3) to describe the Activity Lifecycle?
A. (l)Foreground (2)Background (3)Visible
B. (l)Foreground (2)Visible (3)Background
C. (1)Visible (2)Background (3)Foreground
D. (1)Visible (2)Foreground (3)Background
Which of these is the correct explanation of the Android NDK?
A. You can create a shared library using native code.
B. Since it can be executed without a Datvik VM, high speed performance can be achieved.
C. You can develop Android applications with just native code.
D. Usage of NDK is recommended, though the source code may become more complex, because debugging and other operations are easier.