Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning Setter Injection or Constructor Injection? (Select one)
A. Constructor injection is useful when you must have an instance of a dependency class before your component is used
B. Setter injection is useful if a component can provide its own defaults
C. Using the @Autowired annotation, setter injection also works when the setter method is private
D. Using setters promotes immutability
Identify the correct statement about the following pointcut expression: execution(@javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed * rewards.restaurant.*.*(..)) (Select one)
A. The return type of the target method is RolesAllowed
B. All method parameters should be annotated with @RolesAllowed
C. The target method may have one argument
D. All of the above
Which of these is NOT a characteristic of Spring JDBC? (Select one)
A. Can be configured exclusively using annotations
B. Provides a callback approach when greater developer control is needed
C. Connections are acquired and released from the DataSource automatically
D. Translation of root cause checked exceptions to Spring DataAccessExceptions
Which of the following data access technologies does Spring support? (Select one)
C. JBoss Hibernate
D. All of the above
If the propagation behavior is Propagation.REQUIRED, choose the statement which describes the propagation behavior (select one)
A. Executes in a transaction if one already exists. If there is no transaction, it executes without a transaction context.
B. Executes in a transaction if one already exists. Throws an exception if there is no active transaction.
C. Executes in a nested transaction if an active transaction exists. If there is no transaction, it starts a new one.
D. Executes in a transaction if one already exists. If there is no transaction, it starts a new one.
Which of the following statements about Spring @MVC is NOT true (select one)
A. Classes annotated with @Controller annotation can be detected by component scanning and loaded as Spring beans
B. Data can be passed from the controller to the view by use of the special Model parameter
C. Controllers are typically able to delegate to business methods in an application because a reference to a service bean can be injected into the controller
D. The DispatcherServlet, controller beans and other collaborators are all defined and configured in web.xml
Which of the following is NOT true about the @RequestMapping annotation? (select one)
A. It is an annotation for mapping web requests to controller methods.
B. It is commonly used for component scanning purpose.
C. You can use it only with @Controller annotated classes.
Which statement is NOT true concerning Spring's RMI Proxy Generator (select one)
A. Spring provides a FactoryBean implementation that generates the RMI client-side proxy
B. The client-side proxy converts checked RemoteExceptions into Spring's runtime hierarchy of RemoteAccessExceptions
C. The proxy does not have to dynamically implement the interface of the remote service implementation
D. The client-side proxy contains all necessary information to connect to the remote service, such as the RMI Registry URL
Which of the following statements is true concerning Spring's HttpInvoker remoting protocol? (select one)
A. HttpInvoker requires a web server to be running on the server
B. HttpInvoker is a synchronous remoting mechanism
C. The client invokes remote methods on the server using an HTTP POST
D. All of the above
What is the principal purpose of Spring's Security XML namespace? (Select one)
A. To provide a mechanism for applying security to Spring Web Services
B. To provide a schema for configuring Spring Security in a Spring XML configuration file
C. To provide a mechanism for encrypting Spring Security XML configuration files
D. To allow Spring Security to be applied to XHTML