You have a composition containing two layers. The bottom layer in the Timeline panel contains a map. The top layer in the Timeline panel is comprised of a Shape Layer with a stroked pen path. You wish to wipe on the stroked pen path with a Shape Layer path operator to follow a road on the bottom layer. What lets you simulate an animated line on the Shape Layer?
A. Zig Zag
B. Repeater
C. Trim Paths
D. Offset Paths
E. Wiggle Paths
Which layer blending mode should you use when you wish to keep the lowest transparency value where multiple masks intersect?
A. Darken
B. Lighten
C. Intersect
D. Subtract
You will be shooting footag e on location against a green screen that will need to be keyed out in After Effects. Which set of actions will help After Effects create a clean key from the footage?
A. shoot compressed footage and then blur the footage before keying it in After Effects
B. shoot uncompressed footage and then blur the footage before keying it in After Effects
C. shoot compressed footage and then sharpen the footage before keying it in After Effects
D. shoot uncompressed footage and then sharpen the footage before keying it in After Effects
When importing footage into a project, After Effects creates new versions of the files to increase overall performance for previews. Which option in the After Effects Preferences dialog lets you control the versions of the files that After Effects creates to control previews?
A. Enable Disk Cache
B. Segment Movie Files At
C. Adaptive Resolution Limit
D. Conformed Media Cache
E. Output During > Previews
F. Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously
You are working with a 3D composition containing multiple layers, each containing effects. The layers must also accept and render lights and shadows. You need to preview the effects, lights, and shadows with all of the 3D layers and also maximize memory usage in A fter Effects. Which After Effects feature in this scenario lets you view the maximum quality preview and optimize memory usage?
A. Timeline Work Area
B. Layer Quality switch
C. Timeline panel Draft 3D switch
D. Timeline panel Live Update switch
Which array object is suitable for the Position property?
A. [0]
B. [50, 100]
C. [50,100,0]
D. [50, 100, 0, 0]
What is the purpose of Composition > Pre render?
A. to render a RAM preview of the composition
B. to render and save the RAM preview to disk
C. to render and create a Disk Cache preview of the composition
D. to add the composition to the render queue with the Post Render Action set to Import and Replace usage
To ensure that Adobe Illustrator files appear correctly in After Effects, what should you do when saving the file from Illustrator?
A. choose File > Save and select Use Compression in the Illustrator Options dialog box
B. choose File > Save and select Include Liked Files in the Illustrator Options dialog box
C. choose File > Save and select Embed ICC profiles in the Illustrator Options dialog box
D. choose File > Save and select Create PDF Compatible File in the Illustra tor Options dialog box
You wish to keyframe the Position and Rotation values of a Photoshop Live 3D file that you have imported into a project as a composition. Where are the Position and Rotation properties that can be keyframed located?
A. the Photoshop Live 3D layer
B. a Null layer in the composition
C. the Camera layer in the composition
D. expressions on the Photoshop Live 3D layer
You have enabled Color Management for an After Effects project. Which action keeps colors within broadcast -safe limits when rendering a compos ition?
A. View > Use Display Color Management command
B. Project Settings > Color Settings > enable Linearize Working Space
C. Output Module Setting > Color Management > enable Preserve RGB
D. Project Settings > Color Settings > enable SDTV NTSC for the Wo rking Space
E. Output Module Settings > Color Management > Output Profile > enable SDTV NTSC 16