Configure Outlook to set the default font for new email messages to Purple 14-point Candara.
In the Drafts folder, open the ''Process Development'' message. Apply the Basic (Stylish) style set. Send the message.
Display the Calendar, Configure the view to display the schedule for the current work week.
Configure Outlook to include and indent the original message text when you reply to a message.
Add the Arrange Meeting tag to the contact ''Thomas Axen''. Set a start date of today and a due data of tomorrow. Set a reminder for 9:00 AM tomorrow.
In the Drafts folder locate the message that has the subject ''Workflow for review''. Insert the Customer Service Workflow image from the pictures folder below the body text. Send the message.
Import the contacts from the PersonalContacts.csv located in the Documents folder into the Contacts folder.
Create a contact named ''Matt Berg'' with an email address of ''[email protected]'' Save and close the contact.
Send the contact item for ''Yvonne Mckay'' to ''Adam Barr'' as a business card.