Create a chart. To the right of the data Chart 3-D Clustered Column Exclude all filtered rows Horizontal Axis Labels: "IDs" column in table Series 1: "Zero Scores" column in table.
Formula. Find the average of each student's homework scores.
Cell range C7:C29
Use Function AVERAGE
Number 1: all homework for each student on "Section 3" worksheet "22-Aug 12-Dec"
Sort and Filter. Apply a sort and a filter to the table. Cell range B6:F29 Sort Column Zero Scores Order Largest to Smallest Column IDs Order Smallest to Largest Filter Hide students ids with no zero scores.
Configure page layout options.
Cell range B3:S25.
Set Print Area.
Enable the Gridlines Print option.
Find the minimum homework score for each student.
Cell range D7:D29
Number 1: minimum homework score for each student on "Section 3" worksheet.
Create a table and modify the table styles. Cell range B6:F29 Table Style Medium 4 Enable the First Column Style