Want to pass your Avaya Aura(TM) Communication Manager and CM Messaging (R6.0) Implementation Exam 6002.1 exam in the very first attempt? Try Pass2lead! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Which three statements about CM_Duplex CM 6.0 are true?
A. Software duplication is available, but hardware duplication is not available.
B. The S8510 server is not used for duplication
C. Server duplication is configured via "Failover" option on CDROMs web interface
D. S8730 with DAL 2 card does not support server duplication in CM 6.0.
E. The CM duplex template supports CMM
For the Duplex S8800 servers running CM 6.0, by default which Ethernet port communication with IPSts?
A. Eth0
B. Eth1
C. Eth2
D. Eth3
How is the status of virtual machines (eg.DOM-0, CDOM-0, CM 6.0) on S8800 server checked?
A. By going to the home page of console domain.
B. By going to the homepage of Avaya communication manager.
C. By going to the home page of Dom 0
D. By using the internet explorer http://Cdom .lpaddr/vm