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Which of the following code snippets DO NOT write the exact content of the file "source.txt" to "target.txt"? (Choose 2)
A. file_put_contents("target.txt", fopen("source.txt", "r"));
B. file_put_contents("target.txt", readfile("source.txt"));
C. file_put_contents("target.txt", join(file("source.txt"), "\n"));
D. file_put_contents("target.txt", file_get_contents("source.txt"));
E. $handle = fopen("target.txt", "w+"); fwrite($handle, file_get_contents("source.txt")); fclose($handle);
Which class of HTTP status codes is used for server error conditions?
A. 2XX
B. 3XX
C. 4XX
D. 5XX
What DOMElement method should be used to check for availability of a non-namespaced attribute?
A. getAttributeNS()
B. getAttribute()
C. hasAttribute()
D. hasAttributeNS()