How do you create a file called destination containing the same ACLs currently set for the file called source?
A. getfacl source > destination
B. getfacl -c source destination
C. getfacl source | cp destination
D. getfacl -x source > destination
You want to find out if files from the wget package were altered since they were installed. Which command will give you this information?
A. rpm -V wget
B. rpm -v wget
C. rpm -F wget
D. rpm -qf wget
The /backup/snapshot was changed to the /backup/backup_monday.tgz archive. Which command will now write new or modified files below /home?
A. tar -czf -g /backup/snapshot /backup/backup_monday.tgz /home
B. tar -tz -g /backup/snapshot -f /backup/backup_monday.tgz /home
C. tar -cz -g /backup/snapshot -f /backup/backup_monday.tgz /home
D. tar -cz -newer /backup/snapshot -f /backup/backup_monday.tgz /home
Which range of User IDs is used for normal (unprivileged) users on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10?
A. 0-100
B. 101-499
C. 500-999
D. 1000 and above
You have set the following permissions on a test directory: rwxrwxrwx. Which statement about files in the test directory is correct?
A. Only root can delete files in the test directory.
B. Only root or the owner of a file can delete files in the test directory.
C. A file created in that directory has the same owner as the owner of the test directory.
D. A file created in that directory has the same owning group as the owning group of the test directory.
Within less, how do you search for a string downwards from where the cursor is positioned?
A. \string
B. ?string
C. /string
D. =string
What is the type command used for?
A. type is used to print text to a teletypewriter.
B. type displays the type of terminal (tty1, tty2) you are logged in to.
C. type determines the type of a command (shell builtin, alias, file on hard disk).
D. type is used to determine the type of processor used (32-bit, 64-bit, Power).
Using the nice command, what is the highest priority a normal user can assign to a process?
A. -20
B. -19
C. 0
D. 19
E. 20
F. 99
What does the following line of the sudo configuration file mean? geeko ALL = /sbin/shutdown
A. All users are allowed to shut down the computer.
B. It allows the user geeko to shut down the computer.
C. All users (except geeko) are allowed to shut down the computer.
D. User geeko is allowed to shut down the computer with name ALL.
E. All users of the computer with the name geeko are allowed to shut down the computer.
You do not want to see any error messages when using the find command; you want to see only the results. Which command accomplishes this task?
A. find /etc -name "*conf" 0>/dev/null
B. find /etc -name "*conf" 1>/dev/null
C. find /etc -name "*conf" 2>/dev/null
D. find /etc -name "*conf" 3>/dev/null