Which keystroke switches the vi editor from insert mode back to command mode?
A. $
B. #
C. :
D. >
E. ~
F. Esc
Shown below is information from running the ls -l personal command:
drw-r--r-- 1 ajones users 0 2008-02-07 19:10 personal
Which statement is true?
A. personal is a file
B. personal is a directory
C. personal is a linked file
D. personal has zero bytes
User authentication for Active Directory users into a Linux machine is provided by which module?
A. pam_unix2
B. nss_compat
C. nss_winbind
D. pam_winbind
E. Ticket granting ticket (TGT)
Given the following information:
Username: temp
Expiration Date: April 30, 2008
Home Directory: to be automatically created
Which command will create the user account with the information listed above?
A. useradd -d -e 04-30-2008 temp
B. useradd -m -d 04-30-2008 temp
C. useradd -m -e 04-30-2008 temp
D. useradd -d -e 2008-04-30 temp
E. useradd -m -d 2008-04-30 temp
F. useradd -m -e 2008-04-30 temp
If using sax2 directly (without using YaST), it is best started from a text terminal in which runlevel?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Scripts called from the /etc/crontab file ensure that jobs are run later if they cannot be run at a specified time. Where can you find information on the last time the jobs were run?
A. In the /bin/spool/cron/lastrun/ directory
B. In the /etc/spool/cron/lastrun/ directory
C. In the /root/spool/cron/lastrun/ directory
D. In the /sys/spool/cron/lastrun/ directory
E. In the /var/spool/cron/lastrun/ directory
Which command will list hidden files in a directory for a normal user?
A. ls
B. ls -a
C. ls -h
D. ls -l
E. ls -u
Which file can you look at to see the character and block devices used on your Linux system?
A. /etc/devices
B. /srv/devices
C. /sys/devices
D. /boot/devices
E. /proc/devices
On a SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 desktop using the bash shell, which files are read when a non-login shell is started?
A. ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile
B. /etc/profile, ~/.profile
C. /etc/profile, ~/.profile, /etc/bash.bashrc
D. /etc/bash.bashrc, /etc/bash.bashrc.local, and ~/.bashrc
E. /etc/profile, ~/.profile, /etc/bash.bashrc, /etc/bash.bashrc.local, and ~/.bashrc
You want to make the following directory: my personal files
Which command will make this directory for you exactly as shown above?
A. mkdir my personal files
B. mkdir my\ personal\ files
C. mkdir my$ personal$ files
D. mkdir my? personal? files
E. mkdir my" "personal" "files